I love making mobiles. There's something very satisfying about the engineering aspect of it as well as the motion. They are all very soothing. The seagulls look for all the world like they are flying because I strung them with black thread which disappears into the background. I almost hate to sell them but I keep telling myself I can make another one. I also have a larger seagull in the works. The kids are I picked up a supply of driftwood on a dash down to Gloucester and Rockport, MA during April vacation this year. That was a fun, but icy, trip.
Now I'm back to knitting more jellyfish. They are a lot of fun to make. I'm really appreciating my stash at this point. It's nice to be able to pull out exactly what you want. Next up is, fingers crossed, pix of my embellished woven chenille scarves. As soon as the turquoise ones are off the loom I hope to put up some pix. My trusty camera gasped and died so it's charging at the moment. And right when I was in full posting mode too. Bummer. Was just about to list some vintage paper ephemera. Ten lots of letters, some of them a total scream, keep watching the shop if you're interested.